WarBirds supports both Windows 95 and Macintosh platforms. Considered by many to be the most realistic re-creation of WWII aerial combat, WarBirds is probably best known for its painstakingly modeled aircraft and its ultra-realistic gunnery and damage system. At any given time, you can find people from all over the world online on the iMOL server, slugging it out for air supremacy in the unfriendly skies of the Warbirds arenas. WarBirds is an Internet-based large scale multiplayer flight sim based on WWII era aircraft and weapons.
Interested readers may obtain the software free of cost and make their own judgements, thus it is my opinion that any conflict-of-interest issues are thereby mitigated. The full working version is always available as a free download from Interactive Magic Online.
It is not my intent to 'sell' or promote WarBirds via this article. (now iMagic online), the company that produces WarBirds. I am a former employee of Interactive Creations Inc. Report by David 'Cap'n Trips' Finkelstein